Budapest-Fasori Evangélikus Gimnázium fizikai emlékhely
Wigner Konferencia és emléktáblaavató ünnepség. Az eseményre abból az alkalomból kerül sor, hogy az Európai Fizikai Társaság (EPS) a Budapest-Fasori Evangélikus Gimnáziumot a volt tanítvány, Wigner Jenô emlékére fizikai emlékhellyé nyilvánítja. A konferencia egyben a Fény Nemzetközi Évéhez is kapcsolódik.
Helyszín: a gimnázium előkertje és a díszterem 2015.04.23. 14 óra
EPS Historic Site
An event of historic importance took place in the Budapest-Fasori Lutheran Secondary School on 23 April, 2015. The European Committee for Physics (EPS) – following the recommendation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Eötvös Lóránd Committee for Physics – pronounced the school as a historic site (EPS Historic Site) thus paying respect to the Nobel prize winning Fasor student, Jenő Wigner. Wigner – together with his school comrade, János Neumann based his knowledge of physics and mathematics in this school, as the student of László Rátz and Sándor Mikola.
The event was accompanied by the customary inauguration of the memorial plaque, which was followed by a conference for physics, which was connected to the International Year of Light.
The following members took part in the celebration: professor Luisa Cifarelli on behalf of the EPS, as the late president of the committee; Norbert Kroó, member of the Academy of Sciences; Zsolt Fülöp, director of the Institute for Nuclear Research (ATOMKI); Péter Lévai head director of the Wigner Research Center for Physics. Our district mayor, Zsolt Vattamány from the Erzsébetváros VII. district municipality.